Importank links
- Be nice to everybody and respect the hard work of other developers
- Please be professional when sharing projects, know what you are writing and sharing.
- Respect the admins and moderators. Don’t argue with them, they are just doing their job. They are volunteers trying to keep Sketchub safe.
- Sketchub is strictly neutral platform, it has diverse userbase from different ethnicity, religions and beliefs. We don't tolerate any misleading, offensive and controversial contents.
NOTICE (28 October 2023): As per the user policy Sketchub is strictly neutral platform, it has diverse userbase from different ethnicity, religions and beliefs. We don't tolerate any misleading, offensive and controversial contents.
and in order to maintain peace and prosperity on the platform, we are not accepting any content that highlights ongoing world conflicts (Israel-Palestine, Russia-Ukraine). Sketchub is just a platform to share the creative projects, please use other appropriate medias to raise your voices.
If you have any complaints or suggestions regarding Sketchub, feel free to drop a message at
- Overall
- Project details should be original and detailed.
- Please don’t use these contents:
- Insults, hatred, racism, etc.
- NSFW content (Like nudity or graphical violence).
- Politics, controversy, war
- Unrelated or inappropriate subjects
- Projects should not contain malware, crappy ads, frauds, phishing, etc.
- Projects related to particular mod (Like game hacks) are not allowed.
- Please avoid using copyrighted content in your project and your project’s listing, that includes copyrighted screenshots and logo.
- Please don’t promise a reward (like making the app open source) once your project reaches a certain number of likes or comments.
- Graphics (Icons/Screenshots)
- Don’t use pictures that aren’t related to your project.
- Don’t use someone else’s pictures.
- Don’t use really bad icons, like a bright green icon to distract people browsing apps.
- Project files
- Your project shouldn’t be a stolen project.
- You are only eligible to upload someone’s project if:
- You made changes (like improved code, fixed bugs, added features)
- The original project is uploaded on Sketchub
- You attributed the original creator.
- You are uploading the project on behalf of someone else.
- You are NOT allowed to upload someone’s project if you only change project name and theme colors with no special efforts.
- Please note that by uploading a project, everyone can reupload it according to line number 1.c.ii
- Your project shouldn’t be useless, it should have some functionality.
- If it is Sketchware Project, it shouldn't have more than 10 compile errors.
- Please do not upload non-compilable resource alone or force users to install them, that includes APK, AAB and EXE. (Dont confuse it with app store or project stores, they are still allowed).
- If you want to know if your project is eligible for verification or Editor’s Choice, please check our Forum pages.
Types of projects that are not allowed
- Projects that generates fake bank cards
- Youtube viewer generators
Some exceptions for project categories/types
- Less functional project can be uploaded as "Example & Tutorial" category (But it should not be really common project, like simply setting text to a textview, etc.)
- Project with just designs/widgets (and no backend) can be published as UI/UX
User account/profile
- Don’t impersonate someone else.
- Don’t add anything inappropriate to your profile.
- Don’t create multiple accounts.
- If you are banned, appeal us at
- If someone is violating the user policy, please show them this page.
- Please don’t use comments to say something that’s off-topic.
- You are only allowed to advertise in your own project’s comment section.
- Please don’t interfere with staff members when they are trying to do their job. By doing so, you are making their job harder. Stay out of their way until the situation has been resolved.
- Please refrain from asking the publisher to upload the project of a closed source program.
- Don't ping/mention anyone unnecessarily.
- Reports are taken seriously, so please make sure that you’re reporting something for the right reason before you submit it.
- Please don’t report projects for being stolen unless you are the owner of the project and the project you’re reporting doesn’t follow these rules: 1.c.ii of Projects.
- After reporting anything, you might receive an email. Please reply with a proper message if it is related to you and you want your report to be taken urgently.
- All projects are free to use, but they are not always ready to use, so please don’t report projects that aren’t compiling.